Using the latest Neo4jClient to access a Neo4j DB I can't successfully run the following Cypher query:
var connections = _graphClient.Cypher
.StartWithNodeIndexLookup("n", "indexName", "'id:*'")
This returns zero results. However it generates the following query:
START n=node:indexName('id:*') MATCH c=(n)-[:RELATIONSHIP_TYPE]-() RETURN c SKIP 5 LIMIT 10
When I run this directly through Neo4j's admin board I get the correct result set back.
What am I missing? Any help would be appreciated.
I think it's because of the single quotes you have in your index
var connections = _graphClient.Cypher
.StartWithNodeIndexLookup("n", "indexName", "id:*") //<-- remove the single quotes
If you have this sort of problem again, the easiest thing to do is switch the StartWithNodeIndexLookup
call with just Start
and use a known node reference to check where the error could be occurring.