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Gnome N-ary Trees usage in c++

I'm trying to implement an N-ary Tree in c++ using the glib, but as I'm not a c++ expert, I'm having some problems finding out how to use it right. Does anybody have a simple example written in C++ to help me understand how to use the basic functions? I'm having special problems with g_node_traverse, I just can't get the GNodeTraverseFunc right.

You can find the description of the N-ary Tree here:

I found some examples in c, but I couldn't manage to translate them correctly into c++ here:

Tried with the last piece of code for n-ary trees.

I appreciate your help.


  • Well, I have managed to run some code. The problem was basically the casts that were needed because Gnome uses gpointers and my data is to be stored in a struct. So my code is:

        gboolean iter(GNode* n, gpointer data) {
         node s=*(node *)(n->data);
         int ID=g_node_depth(n);
         if (G_NODE_IS_ROOT(n)==true)
             std::cout<<"Node "<<ID<<" is a Root"<<std::endl;
         else if (G_NODE_IS_LEAF(n)==true)
             std::cout<<"Node "<<ID<<" is a Leaf"<<std::endl;
         std::cout<<"Speed of Node "<<ID<<" is: "<<s.v<<std::endl;
         return FALSE;
        int main(){
            node prueba,prueba1;
            prueba.y=100; //Position in y
            GNode * root = g_node_new((gpointer) &prueba);
            g_node_append(root, g_node_new((gpointer) &prueba1));
            g_node_traverse(root, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, iter, NULL);
         return 0;

    Where my struct is:

        struct state {
            double x;    //Position in x of a car
            double y;    //Position in y "
            double phi; //Yaw angle of a car
            double v;   //Speed of a car
        struct node {
            double x;
            double y;
            double phi;
            double v;
            std::vector <state > trajectory;

    The idea is to have the whole previous "trajectory" stored at each node so if I choose a random node/leaf I don't have to reconstruct the trajectory but just take it.

    This code works now. It might be improved and I'm open to any comment.

    I hope it's useful for someone.