I have a multilevel menu. I need it so that if the user clicks on a top level menu, they are taken to one of their children. For example..
- Products (top level)
-->Product 1 (sub)
-->Product 2 (sub)
-->Product 3 (sub)
I need to set it up so that if the user clicks on "Products", it opens "Product 1" instead of Products?
Any suggestions on how I could do this? I'm sure it could be done, but I just can't find anything on it, nor work it out..
Many Thanks in advance.
I'm loving Mura more each day. Thanks to CatherineMM at the Mura Forums for the most simple way to achieve this:
"If you add "Go to First Child" (under System) in the Display Objects for Products, you should be all set!".
To do what my questions asks:
That's it.. then when I click 'Products', it just opens 'Product1'.