There is one table with coulmns :
Need result where bookid and last dateofentry for corresponding book and status of book i.e R only (R- Return, and NR- Not return)
for e.g. input :-
id bookid subject dateofentry Status
1 10 math 10-11-2012 NR
2 10 math 1-12-2012 R
3 110 math 1-12-2012 NR
4 110 math 10-12-2012 NR
5 102 math 10-11-2012 NR
6 102 math 1-12-2012 R
7 105 math 10-12-2012 NR
8 105 math 17-12-2012 NR
9 106 math 11-12-2012 NR
10 106 math 14-12-2012 R
10 math 1-12-2012 R
102 math 1-12-2012 R
106 math 14-12-2012 R
What should be the query for this
Thanks in Advance
I tried this:-
SELECT t.bookid, t.satus, r.MaxDate
FROM (SELECT bookid, MAX(dateofentry) as MaxDate
FROM TempLogs
GROUP BY bookid) r
INNER JOIN Logs t ON t.bookid = r.bookid AND t.dateofentry = r.MaxDate where status="R"
But I am getting some syntax error, and its not working.
It looks like the syntax error is because you're using 2 different table names. In your subquery, you are using table TempLogs
but in the outer query, you refer to table Logs
. Apart from that the actual query and methodology for what you're trying to achieve appears correct.