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Java: Rotate Image around different points

I'm fairly new to programming and i'm trying to make a little game where you can control(rotate) a tank and different guns on top of the tank indepently. (I'm using slick)

during tank rotation the guns should rotate around the center of the tank-image because they are attached.

public void drawTankandGuns(){
  tankImage.draw(position.x, position.y);
  gunImage.draw(position.x+canonOffsetX, position.y+canonOffsetY);

public void rotateDuringMovement(){


which works fine so far. gun is attached and rotates with tank. but if i want to rotate the gun without the tank (and tank is rotated already) and set the center of rotation back to the gun the gun-image is drawn back at its original position losing the position from the rotation around the tank...

edit: the solution was to use a different approach. draw the gunImage dependend on sin/cos of the tankImage rotation.


  • the solution was to use a different approach. draw the gunImage dependend on sin/cos of the tankImage rotation.

    //calculate the gun position on top of the tank
    gunPosX = tankPosX + gunPosOffsetX;
    gunPosY = tankPosY + gunPosOffsetY;
    //calculate the tank rotation center
    tankRotationsCenterX = tankPosX + tankImage.getCenterOfRotationX();
    tankRotationsCenterY = tankPosY + tankImage.getCenterOfRotationY();
    //calculate distance between gun position and tank rotation center
    dx = tankRotationsCenterX - gunPosX ;
    dy = tankRotationsCenterY - gunPosY ;
    dis = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
    //calculate the offset based on the rotation of the tank
    //rotation offset for the gun placement
    gunRotaOff = 20;
    gunX_offset = dis*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(tankImage.getRotation()+gunRotaOff));
    gunY_offset = dis*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(tankImage.getRotation()+gunRotaOff));
    gunXhalf = gun.getImage().getWidth() / 2;
    gunYhalf = gun.getImage().getHeight() / 2;
    //draws the gun dependend on the ship position and the ship rotation
    //don't forget to subtract half the width/height for exact positioning
    gun.drawIngame(tankRotationsCenterX - gun_x_offset)-gunXhalf , (tankRotationsCenterY - gun_y_offset) - gunYhalf ));