I've got some recently used repositories on the splash screen that I want to remove because I'm not using them anymore. How do I remove them?
OS = Windows 7
I've looked in the registry and searched through the git directory and can't find where the recently used list is stored.
From the git-gui sources choose_repository.tcl
proc _get_recentrepos {} {
set recent [list]
foreach p [get_config gui.recentrepo] {
if {[_is_git [file join $p .git]]} {
lappend recent $p
} else {
_unset_recentrepo $p
return [lsort $recent]
So check git config
and see if there is a gui.recentrepo
line that you could modify.
Note that moving those old repos aways (i.e. making sure their recorded path is no longer a valid one) will make those entries in git-gui disappear automatically.