I have two sequences for comparison and I need to keep comparison results in a map, with data in the first sequence serving as keys and second as vals. Here comes sample code that works
(def myAtom (atom {}))
(map #(if (== %1 %2) (swap! myAtom assoc %1 %2 ))
[1 2 3] [4 5 3])
(prn @myAtom) ; ==> {3 3}
However after putting "same" thing above into one let bindings, it doesn't work anymore
(let [ myAtom (atom {})]
(map #(if (== %1 %2) (swap! myAtom assoc %1 %2 ))
[1 2 3] [4 5 3])
(prn @myAtom)) ;;==> {} empty???
So the question is, what happens to myAtom inside let binding? How come is it missing?
is to generate lazy sequence out of a sequence whereas what you need is to do certain operation (i.e swap) for each item in a sequence, hence you need to use doseq
EDIT: (updated as par @mobyte suggestion)
(let [myAtom (atom {})
a [1 2 3]
b [4 5 3]]
(doseq [[x y] (map vector a b)]
(if (== x y) (swap! myAtom assoc x y )))
(prn @myAtom))
Your first example works because you executed each expression in REPL which made the map operation to execute its lazy operations.
I have seen many people try to use map to do certain operations like this, map should only be used for one purpose i.e mapping a sequence to another sequence without any side-effect operations.