What is the current state of internationalization support for Pyramid using Python 3?
Currently it seems that the packages Pyramid uses for this, lingua and babel, aren't Python 3 compatible.
There is https://bitbucket.org/felixschwarz/babel-py3k, but no official release.
Also for lingua, I could only find shadows of something called lingua3k, but the links to it everywhere were broken and also no official releases.
How can I get myself up and running with Pyramid i18n and Python 3?
I was unable to find any info about the status (current or future) of i18n helper packages for pyramid in python 3 (babel and lingua).
To solve this inconvenience, I did 4 things:
I created a very lean 2nd virtual and very lean env with python2.7 inside my project. Just called it env_python_2.7 and put it in the root of my project.
Then in the directory where setup.py lives I created another setup file, setup_i18n.py. This file only makes requirements for just what is needed for i18n support. My setup_i18n.py file looks like:
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
requires = [
message_extractors={'.': [
('**.py', 'lingua_python', None),
('**.pt', 'lingua_xml', None),
import argparse
import subprocess
import sys
from pyramid.paster import (
description = """\
A script to facilitate the translation of strings in the app.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument('ini_file', help='Ini file to setup environment for this script')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--add', metavar='locale',
help='Add locale name of new language for translation (eg: en, de)')
def main(argv=sys.argv):
args = parser.parse_args()
settings = get_appsettings(args.ini_file)
# Python 2.7 is needed for translation strings at this time, because the
# available translation string tools are not compatible with Python 3
# at this time
python27 = settings['my_project.python27_dir'] + '/bin/python'
setup_file = settings['my_project.i18n_setup_file']
if args.add:
subprocess.call([python27, setup_file, 'init_catalog', '-l', args.add])
subprocess.call([python27, setup_file, 'extract_messages'])
subprocess.call([python27, setup_file, 'update_catalog'])
subprocess.call([python27, setup_file, 'compile_catalog'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
main = my_project:main
my_project_db = my_project.script.initializedb:main
my_project_translate = my_project.script.translate:main
Now I can i18n my app by calling 'python3 setup.py my_project_translate'