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embed app config into c# code in wcf

i have a client program that connect to my wcf service. i want to embed app config to C# code till users can not change or even see app.config .

but i cannot bring these two config setting to C# code:

      <source propagateActivity="true" name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Warning">
          <add type="System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener" name="Default">
            <filter type="" />
          <add name="NewListener">
            <filter type="" />
      <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging" switchValue="Warning,ActivityTracing" >
          <add type="System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener" name="Default">
            <filter type="" />
          <add name="NewListener">
            <filter type="" />
      <add initializeData="Trace.svclog" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
          name="NewListener" traceOutputOptions="LogicalOperationStack, DateTime, Timestamp, ProcessId, ThreadId, Callstack">
        <filter type="" />


    <defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true" >
      <proxy autoDetect="True" usesystemdefault="True"/>

i added some code like this

 System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener xmlt = new System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener("Trace.svclog", "myListener");

but did not work . when you set Trace Listener in app.config File , The application will automatic log exception,Warning,etc occured (That i want) but when i create System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener i must write log (exceptions) my self.

about default proxy i found some classes but i can not find those setting in classes.

Questions :

1- I want to bring these Settings to C# code.(i want C# result be exact like app.config result)

2- is the app.config Stronger than C# code? can i find all app.config settings in c# classes?


  • Yes you can configure all of the settings for the WCF in code. Searching the stackoverflow I found a link were this questions has been asked wcf-configuration-without-a-config-file Also there is a link from the Microsoft MSDN MSDN Source. About the tracing of the WCF here is a link that also will help you:WCF Tracing in code