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ESQL does not work

I am working on a WCF, Entity Framework, Self track solution.

I have a problem with the ESQL.

string cmd = "Select h.achAccId, p.patDOBirth, p.patGender from PatientEntities.AccBases as a, PatientEntities.AccHosps as h, PatientEntities.Patients as p Where h.achAccID = 57348 and p.patPatId = a.acbPatId and h.achAccId = a.acbAccId";

ObjectQuery<dbdatarecord>queryResult = null; 

using (PatientEntities db = new PatientEntities()) PatientEntities is ObjectContext  
    `queryResult = db.CreateQuery<dbdatarecord>(cmd);`  

if ((queryResult != null) && (queryResult.Count() > 0))   

queryResult.Count() causes an error : "'achAccID' is not a member of type 'PatientModel.AccHosp' in the currently loaded schemas"

I found under PatientModel.edmx file, under <EntityType Name="AccHosp"> there is <property Name="achAccID" Nullable="false" Type="int">

So what is the real problem?


  • The ESQL has no problem. The datacontext need refreshing. ie. db.Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, db.AccHosps);