I have several translations tucked away into an initializer like so:
[I18n.t("constants.group_governance_styles.collective"), 1],
[I18n.t("constants.group_governance_styles.electoral_democracy"), 2],
[I18n.t("constants.group_governance_styles.dictatorship"), 3]
In my en.yml file I have:
collective: "collective"
electoral_democracy: "electoral democracy"
dictatorship: "dictatorship"
Unfortunately, when I try to render these translations in a view, I get the following errors:
translation missing: en.constants.group_governance_styles.collective
translation missing: en.constants.group_governance_styles.electoral_democracy
translation missing: en.constants.group_governance_styles.dictatorship
I've also tried removing the scope, but the translations still come up as missing. Is there another way to approach this? Perhaps there's a default scope for initializers that I don't know about?
AFAIK, translations get loaded after the initializers. Try putting it in environment.rb