I am reading about Big O notation. In the book I have, there is an example in which the complexity of n2 is in class of O(n3). That doesn't seem logical to me because n3 depends on n and it isn't just a plain constant multiplier that we can "get rid of."
Please explain to me why those two are of the same complexity. I can't find an answer on this forum or any other.
Big O determines an upper bound for large values of n. O(n3) is larger than O(n2) and so an n2 program is still O(n3). It's also O(n4), O(*n5), ..., O(ninfinity).
The reverse is not true, however. An n^3 program is not O(n2). Rather it would be Omega(n2), as Omega determines a lower bound (how much work we have to do at least).
Big O says nothing of this upper bound being "tight", it just needs to be higher than the actual complexity. So while an n*n complexity program is bounded by O(n3), that's not a very tight bound. O(n2) is tighter and more informative.