I developed a small R package using devtools and put it on github (https://github.com/paulhurleyuk/PaulHurleyMisc). I created it with this structure
because its a git repository, there is also a .git folder in the root, and when I do R CMD Check R complains about executable files.
Should I have created a subfolder under the root for the package ? I haven't tried installing from github using devtools, so what would devtools expect?
I think you'll get rid of the warnings/errors if you check by doing R CMD build
first and then running R CMD check
on the tarball (this is recommended practice: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Checking-packages ). I don't think you actually need to put .git
etc. in .Rbuildignore
, as R now automatically ignores .git, .svn etc. files: see utils.R
in the tools
package (this has been true for a while)
As @hadley points out in comments below, devtools
automatically follows this route (i.e. it builds the tarball and then checks it rather than checking the directory directly)
Also see: Blacklist .git folder in R CMD check