I'm trying to use some old FORTRAN code with some new Java code which works in Windows(as an exe) but not in OS X. I try to build it in eclipse and I get
make: *** [all] Segmentation fault: 11
so I go to terminal and do it that way, even different compilers but still the same result:
Running OS X 10.7.5 and gfortran-4.2 made with standard -c and -o commands
Program foo
open(unit = 1, file = 'variables.txt',IOSTAT= iost)
read(1,*) P
end program foo
the program builds manually but the output is:
At line 13 of file Cubic42.f
Fortran runtime error: End of file
I have also seen this error:
list in: end of file
apparent state: unit 88 named variables
last format: list io
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
It shows that IOSTAT returns 0, which means the file is good? But it will not read the file, even if I change the unit# to say, 88.. and even if I change the CR to mac, windows, or unix.
It seems to be only a problem with the input/output, if i hardcode variables, for example, the program works.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
Edit1 Here is the variables.txt file
there is a carriage return at the end, and it doesn't matter if i change the -9999 to positive
I deleted the text file from the directory and remade the .f to look like this:
program foo
implicit none
real a, b, c, d
open(unit = 1, file = 'variables.2txt', action='write')
write(1, *) -6666
write(1, *) 6.15
write(1, *) -321
write(1, *) 5.16
open(unit = 2, file = 'variables.2txt', action='read',form='FORMATTED')
read(2, *) a
write(*,*) a
read(2, *) b
write(*,*) b
read(2, *) c
write(*,*) c
read(2, *) d
write(*,*) d
end program foo
Then I compiled it.
Output is:
as expected, but variables.2txt is nowhere to be found! I'm very confused, please help.
Edit3 I have found the phantom file. It is located at /users/me/phantom.txt So the question is, how do I make the file save in the same directory as the executable?
I get a very similar error message to yours
At line 4 of file proba.f (unit = 1, file = 'variables.txt')
when running your code on Linux with a file variables.txt
where I explicitly set the end of line characters according to the old MAC convention to ^M
(instead of Unix's ^J
). So, I guess, it is an EOL-convention problem. You could eventually try to write two lines to a file and investigate that file in order to decide which EOL-convention gfortran expects on your system:
program foo
implicit none
open(unit = 1, file = 'variables.txt', action='write')
write(1, *) -9999
write(1, *) 15.6
end program foo
Also, I'd definitely go for a more recent gfortran compiler (current stable is version 4.7.2).