Within a VBScript, I need to make sure the user inputs a integer.
Here is what I have now :
WScript.Echo "Enter an integer number : "
Number = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
If IsNumeric(Number) Then
' Here, it still could be an integer or a floating point number
If CLng(Number) Then
WScript.Echo "Integer"
WScript.Echo "Not an integer"
End If
End if
The problem is that CLng() doesn't test if my number is an integer : the number is converted anyway.
Is there a way to check if a number is an integer ?
The suggested answer doesn't work as well for me. Here is a new version of my code :
WScript.Echo "Enter an integer number : "
Number = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
If IsNumeric(Number) Then
' Here, it still could be an integer or a floating point number
If Number = CLng(Number) Then
WScript.Echo "Integer"
WScript.Echo "Not an integer"
End If
End if
and here is the output :
U:\>cscript //nologo test.vbs
Enter an integer number :
Not an integer
U:\>cscript //nologo test.vbs
Enter an integer number :
Not an integer
This is very similar to your code:
WScript.Echo "Enter an integer number : "
Number = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
If IsNumeric(Number) Then
' Here, it still could be an integer or a floating point number
If CLng(Number) = Number Then
WScript.Echo "Integer"
WScript.Echo "Not an integer"
End If
End If