In the book Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns from Kent Beck, the double greater sign (>>
) is used to define methods like this:
Point class>>x: xNumber y: yNumber
^self new
setX: xNumber
y: yNumber
Point>>setX: xNumber y: yNumber
x := xNumber.
y := yNumber.
However, I cannot get it run in GNU Smalltalk.
Is it valid syntax in some implementation of Smalltalk? Or is it just kind of pseudo code?
In fact this is Pseudo code.
In other languages you would use the .
to tell people that the method is in this class but in smalltalk you write >>
What you would do in a Smalltalk like Squeak or Pharo for
Point class>>x: xNumber y: yNumber
^self new
setX: xNumber
y: yNumber
paste the method in the text area with the source code:
x: xNumber y: yNumber
^self new
setX: xNumber
y: yNumber
Strg-s to save the code
Point>>setX: xNumber y: yNumber
x := xNumber.
y := yNumber.
You would do the same but not use the class side