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Saxon Genitive in Naming Conventions?

What do you call your functions when names that contain a saxon genitive like "Verify Task's Priority" and "Change Argument's Priority" or "Increase Action's Delay"?

Do you drop the apostrophe? verifyTasksPriority(), changeArgumentsPriority(), increaseActionsDelay()

Do you drop both the apostrophe and the "s"? verifyTaskPriority(), changeArgumentPriority(), increaseActionDelay()

Do you replace the saxon genitive with "of"? verifyPriorityOfTask(), changePriorityOfArgument(), increaseDelayOfAction()?

I don't like the first option because it sounds like the function works on multiple things rather than just one thing. I don't like the second option because it doesn't sound natural. I don't like the third option because the word, of, in a function name just doesn't sound right.

What option do you use?


  • I use the second. It sounds good to me. Think of "Task Priority" as a compound word like "vacuum cleaner".