I want to use the site catalyst api to get the most popular page (page that has maximum pageviews) under a given site-section? Let me explain better with an example.
My website has multiple channels (News/Journals/Books/Events etc). Each of the channel has many pages under it. I want a api call that will get the most popular news page or Journals page or Books page etc.
I am passing data to sitecatalyst like this..
s.pageName = o_title;
s.channel = o_structure
s.prop1 = o_iden
where o_title has the page title of a newspage or a journalpage etc.. o_structure refers to either "News" or "Journals" or "Books" etc.
Currently I am able to only get the most popular page on the entire site. I would appreciate if someone can help me find the most popular page per section.
Thanks, Rag
I assume that you already know the basics of using the Omniture API, how to queue up a report and look for status and get it etc... here is a basic REST data string to get site sections (s.channel) broken down by page names (s.pageName) with page views as metric. You will use the Report.QueueRanked
API method, and you need to specify the rsid(s) to get the data from and the date ranges.
"reportDescription": {