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Sending "var_dump" to FireBug console

As you know var_dump() in addition to value show its data type and length.

Is there any way to log its output to FireBug console?

I tried FirePHP and FireLogger but both output only value of a variable (sometimes even incorrect variable value).


  • Maybe what you need is something like this:

    function var2console($var, $name='', $now=false)
       if ($var === null)          $type = 'NULL';
       else if (is_bool    ($var)) $type = 'BOOL';
       else if (is_string  ($var)) $type = 'STRING['.strlen($var).']';
       else if (is_int     ($var)) $type = 'INT';
       else if (is_float   ($var)) $type = 'FLOAT';
       else if (is_array   ($var)) $type = 'ARRAY['.count($var).']';
       else if (is_object  ($var)) $type = 'OBJECT';
       else if (is_resource($var)) $type = 'RESOURCE';
       else                        $type = '???';
       if (strlen($name)) {
          str2console("$type $name = ".var_export($var, true).';', $now);
       } else {
          str2console("$type = "      .var_export($var, true).';', $now);
    function str2console($str, $now=false)
       if ($now) {
          echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
          echo "//<![CDATA[\n";
          echo "console.log(", json_encode($str), ");\n";
          echo "//]]>\n";
          echo "</script>";
       } else {
          register_shutdown_function('str2console', $str, true);

    Usage: var2console($myvar, '$myvar'); or simply var2console($myvar);

    It should very rarely be necessary to set the $now parameter to true, causing the immediate output of the <script> tag. The advantage of using register_shutdown_function() is that you don't need to pay attention to "where you are" in the HTML.

    The json_encode() preserves all characters in the transfer from PHP to JavaScript. The only caveat is about encoding: json_encode() only works with UTF-8 (which is the recommended encoding in most cases, anyway). You may need something like utf8_encode() or mb_convert_encoding() if you use a different encoding (or rather, you may consider switching to UTF-8).

    The output to Firebug's console is simply the output of var_export(), preceded by the type of the variable, including the length of strings and the count of arrays, and, optionally, by the name of the variable.

    var_export() provides a more readable output than var_dump(). If you really need the output of var_dump(), you can use something like this:

    function dump2console($var, $name='', $now=false)
       if (strlen($name)) {
          echo "$name =\n";
       $str = ob_get_clean();
       str2console($str, $now);

    Usage: dump2console($myvar, '$myvar'); or simply dump2console($myvar);

    You should avoid circular references (var_dump() detects them a step too late, and var_export() doesn't detect them at all). This is how to do it, e.g., for $GLOBALS:

    function globals2console($now=false)
       $g = $GLOBALS;
       $g['GLOBALS'] = '(recursion)';
       var2console($g, '$GLOBALS', $now);