Search code examples

VHDL: with-select for multiple values

I have the following code (it encodes a number of a pressed button):

with buttons select
  tmp <= "000" when x"1",
         "001" when x"2",
         "010" when x"4",  
         "011" when x"8",
         "100" when others;
code <= input(1 downto 0);
error <= input(2);

I am trying to rewrite it without using tmp signal. Is it possible? The following doesn't work:

with buttons select
  error & code <= "000" when x"1",
                  "001" when x"2",
                  "010" when x"4",  
                  "011" when x"8",
                  "100" when others;


  • Instead of with select, you could use case:

    my_process_name : process(buttons)
      case buttons is
        when x"1" =>
          error <= '0';
          code  <= "00";
        when x"2" =>
          error <= '0';
          code  <= "01";
        when x"4" =>
          error <= '0';
          code  <= "10";
        when x"8" =>
          error <= '0';
          code  <= "11";
        when others =>
          error <= '1';
          code  <= "00";
      end case;
    end process;