I'm implementing a scope for a model based on this railscast. The condition in the scope uses the binary AND operator &
, like this:
scope :with_role, lambda { |role|
{:conditions => "roles_mask & #{2**ROLES.index(role.to_s)} > 0"}
Since the database I'm currently targetting is Oracle, which uses the BITAND
function instead of the &
operator, I've rewritten the condition like this:
{:conditions => "BITAND(roles_mask, #{2**ROLES.index(role.to_s)}) > 0"}
My problem is, I would like to keep my code as database agnostic as possible, since in the future we are planning on targetting other databases. My current solution has been to check whether I'm using Oracle and define the scope accordingly, like this (using_oracle
is a boolean that I calculate elsewhere):
if using_oracle
scope :with_role, lambda { |role|
{:conditions => "BITAND(roles_mask, #{2**ROLES.index(role.to_s)}) > 0"}
scope :with_role, lambda { |role|
{:conditions => "roles_mask & #{2**ROLES.index(role.to_s)} > 0"}
This works, but doesn't strike me as particularly elegant or ruby/rails-like. Could anyone kindly suggest better alternatives?
I think there should be a better way to extend Arel: I struggled to reach this result.
Anyway; this solution uses Model#extending:
module BitOperations
def bitwise_and_sql
@bitwise_and_sql ||=
case connection.adapter_name
when 'Oracle' # probably wrong!
"BITAND(%s, %s)"
"%s & %s"
def bitwise_and(i, j)
where(bitwise_and_sql % [i, j])
def bitmask(i, j)
where('%s > 0' % scoped.bitwise_and(i, j).wheres.to_a.last.to_sql)
p User.scoped.extending(BitOperations).bitwise_and(1, 2).bitmask(3, 4).to_sql
#=> "SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE (1 & 2) AND ((3 & 4) > 0)"
contains the Arel relations; it includes Enumerable
, so we can retrieve the last relation converting it to array and taking the last element. I used it in order to get the sql of bitwise_and(i, j)
in order to use it in bitmask(i, j)
. I wonder if there is a better way to get the sql from a where...
raises a warning about wheres
deprecation, which can be ignored at the moment (It works on Rails 4 beta too).
You can define class methods for User
class User
def self.scope_with_bit_operations
@scope_with_bit_operations ||= scoped.extending(BitOperations)
def self.bitwise_and(i, j)
scope_with_bit_operations.bitwise_and(i, j)
def self.bitmask(i, j)
scope_with_bit_operations.bitmask(i, j)
p User.bitwise_and(1, 2).bitmask(3, 4).to_sql
#=> "SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE (1 & 2) AND ((3 & 4) > 0)"
or for all your models:
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.scope_with_bit_operations
@scope_with_bit_operations ||= scoped.extending(BitOperations)
def self.bitwise_and(i, j)
scope_with_bit_operations.bitwise_and(i, j)
def self.bitmask(i, j)
scope_with_bit_operations.bitmask(i, j)
p Post.bitwise_and(1, 2).bitmask(3, 4).to_sql
#=> "SELECT \"posts\".* FROM \"posts\" WHERE (1 & 2) AND ((3 & 4) > 0)"
And finally you can implement a slightly more elegant with_role
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
ROLES = %w[admin moderator author]
scope :with_role, ->(role) do
# I'm a fan of quoting everything :-P
bitmask connection.quote_column_name(:roles_mask),
p User.with_role('admin').to_sql
#=> "SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE ((\"roles_mask\" & 1) > 0)"
I must say that IMO this is more a proof-of-concept: if you don't plan to reuse bitwise_and
and bitmask
in other models you don't need to abstract them, so probably you're good to go with something similar to your scope
, f.e. something like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
ROLES = %w[admin moderator author]
case connection.adapter_name
when 'Oracle' # probably wrong!
"BITAND(%s, %s) > 0"
"%s & %s > 0"
scope :with_role, ->(role) do
where BITMASK_SQL % [ connection.quote_column_name(:roles_mask),
connection.quote(2**ROLES.index(role.to_s)) ]
p User.with_role('admin').to_sql
#=> "SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE (\"roles_mask\" & 1 > 0)"
I think the rule is add abstractions when you need of them, do not when you don't need of (I don't know if the english of this phrase is correct :-) )
I want to say another thing: since you are new to Ruby/Rails, I suggest you to read a lot of Rails & c. code; IMO it is the best way to learn how Rails works (this is the reason I spent my time to answer to your question: because I was curious about Rails management of Arel relations :-) ).