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How to start playing a playlist by clicking on a LinkLabel?

I have added the playlist names from a directory in a ListBox using LinkLabel at run time but now I want that when I click on the LinkLabel of that playlist, the playlist should run and play the songs.

I have no idea about how to give the path or link to the playlist in the link label and how to start playing it.

This is my code, playlistviewbar is a ListBox:

string[] array1 = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\LENOVO\Music\Playlists","*.wpl");
int yforlbl =5;
LinkLabel[] lblplayName = new LinkLabel[array1.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < array1.Length; i++)
    array1[i] = Path.GetFileName(array1[i]);

    lblplayName[i] = new LinkLabel();
    lblplayName[i].Text = array1[i];

    lblplayName[i].Location = new Point(0,yforlbl);          

    yforlbl += 23;


  • ok i got it in the for loop the double click event is like this and using getbyname mathod get the playlist and set it to current playlist

               lblplayName[i].DoubleClick += (senders, es) =>
                   LinkLabel label = (LinkLabel)senders;
                   string PlayListFile = label.Text;
                       WMPLib.IWMPPlaylist list = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.playlistCollection.getByName(PlayListFile).Item(0);
                       axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentPlaylist = list;
                         //exception handling code