I want to create the OSGI persistence service bundle with JPA 2.0. I am using OpenJpa as a persistence provider.
I tried a sample OSGI bundle with JPA support and I faced the problem when my client call the persistence functionality. The service couldnt create the EntityManagerFactory. Always it is null.
I am using Apache Karaf as the platform to install the services.
Currently I am creating a OSGI bundle in eclipse and export it as a bundle and deploy it in Karaf. The client can call the service. But the issue is when I get EntityManagerFactory.
I am using bellow code to get EntityManagerFactory.
OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory emf = OpenJPAPersistence.createEntityManagerFactory
Please provide me a clear idea how can I create the OSGI persitence bundle with OpenJPA.
You can take a look at my tutorial for JPA on OSGi using Apache Aries like Holly recommends.