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Are there metaclasses or class reference in D?

Are there any system of classe reference in D? To be more accurate I look for the equivalent of the Delphi

TMyClassRef = class of TMyClass;

This would be used for a factory (just like in the Object but without using the class name):

// ideally
void AddNew(*TBaseClass APtr, /*?class_ref_type?*/ AClassType)
    *APtr = new AClassType;

Currently I do this:

void AddNew(*TBaseClass APtr)
    *APtr = new typeof(*APtr);

But the problem is that typeof() returns always TBaseClass and never a sub class of TBaseClass (when a sub class is passed as parameter). This is clearly a case where class references would be used in Delphi but the D language doesn't seem to have such a system.


  • Maybe I'm completely missing the idea in Delphi, but this seems to be what a templates are for:

    import std.stdio;
    class Parent {
        string inherited() {
            return "Hello from parent";
        override string toString() {
            return "Hello from parent";
    class Child : Parent {
        override string toString() {
            return "Hello from child";
    void add(C, P)(P* ptr) {
        *ptr = new C;
    void main() {
        Parent t;
        writeln(t); // prints null
        writeln(t); // prints Hello from child
        writeln(t.inherited()); // prints Hello from parent

    This way you pass in the type you want to instantiate instead of an instantiated object of that type. This should generate compile errors if C is not a child of P in add().


    If you want to be more specific with add, you could do this:

    void add(T : Parent)(Parent* ptr) {
        *ptr = new T;

    To make things nicer, use an out parameter to be more idiomatic:

    void add(T : Parent)(out Parent ptr) {
        ptr = new T;
    void main() {
        Parent p;