It would be best if someone could explain the numbers/values in the cascade.xml entirely. Example in:
<!-- stage 0 -->
0 -1 66 5.1593100652098656e-003</internalNodes>
-8.0555558204650879e-001 8.0694979429244995e-001</leafValues></_>
0 -1 108 1.5044789761304855e-002</internalNodes>
-6.2940740585327148e-001 7.5122624635696411e-001</leafValues></_>
0 -1 99 -4.7172707127174363e-005</internalNodes>
5.5112153291702271e-001 -8.6111217737197876e-001</leafValues></_></weakClassifiers></_>
What are the meanings of these values
0 -1 99 -4.7172707127174363e-005</internalNodes>
Another question is, how does the program know which feature to use for a particular stage? As far as I know, features are in the form as below
21 6 3 5 -1.</_>
22 6 1 5 3.</_></rects>
Whereby it's the coordinates of two rectangles, forming something like below:
=-= = Black colored rectangle
=-= - White colored rectangle
What are the values -1. and 3. mean? I know it's weights but how is it used to calculate the feature?
After digging into OpenCV's source code, I finally obtain answers to my own questions.
node.left node.right node.featureIdx node.threshold
I'm not sure what's node.left and node.right are for as I can't see them being called anywhere.
float ret = rect[0].weight * CALC_SUM(p[0], _offset) + rect[1].weight * CALC_SUM(p[1], _offset);