I have a list of checkbox like:
<% foreach (var tobj in (ViewData["terr"] as List<Location>))
{ %>
<input type="checkbox" name="terr" id="<%: tobj.Location_Id %>" value="<%: tobj.Location_Id %>" disabled="disabled"/>
<span id="<%: tobj.Location_Name %>"> <%: tobj.Location_Name %> </span>
<br />
<% } %>
But I want to display 3 or 4 checkbox in one row. and for that I need to conver foreach to for loop. I am not able to achieve this. Hope anyone can help me in this.
Im not sure why you cannot accomplish what you need in the foreach loop though. If you updated your question with a bit more info we could probably help you debug the initial foreach loop. Also if your using MVC 3 i recommend the Razor view engine, the syntax is a lot nicer.
The for loop equivalent:
<% { var locations = (List<Location>)ViewData["terr"] } %>
<% for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count(); i++)
{ %>
<input type="checkbox" name="terr" id="<%: locations[i].Location_Id %>" value="<%: locations[i].Location_Id %>" disabled="disabled"/>
<span id="<%: locations[i].Location_Name %>"> <%: locations[i].Location_Name %> </span>
<br />
<% } %>