I am using PostgreSQL with ruby and rails app and have Postgres_copy
gem installed
I have hotels table and want to import text file using function pg_copy_from
the gem. Data in the file is separated by the "|" symbol.
So I have created rake task
namespace :db do
namespace :import do
desc "Copy hotels records to the database"
task :hotels => :environment do
Hotel.pg_copy_from 'db/ActivePropertyList.txt', :delimiter => '|', :map => {
'HotelID' => 'ean_hotel_id',
'SequenceNumber' => 'sequence_number',
'Name' => 'name',
'Address' => 'address'}
If i run rake db:import:hotels
nothing happens. What could be the problem?
I noticed that when I run psql
and try to see all realtions by \d
command, it says "No relations found."
However, I ran rake:db:create:all
and rake db:migrate
commands and can see the schema file. Also, \l
command in psql console shows my database.
Maybe it would be easier just to run
c = Hotel.connection.raw_connection
c.exec(%q{\copy hotels (hotel_id, name) FROM 'db/ActivePropertyList.txt' DELIMITER '|'})
, but I suggest nothing happens because of the missing relations.
My import failed because of the upper-case issue that is common for the PostgreSQL. Renaming all header fields and database column names to lower case did the trick.