I'm having some issues wrapping my brain around CQL. I've been attempting to work with column slices (I think that's the right terminology) in CQL3 but all documentation about it seems to refer to CQL2.
For example I have the following table:
CREATE TABLE eventindex (
key uuid,
column1 int,
value uuid,
PRIMARY KEY (key, column1)
Now, in CQL2 I can do the following:
select '1234567890'..'1234567895' from eventindex;
Which returns all the columns in the range across all rows
Now, in CQL3 I can't do that (at least, not on cqlsh) but I can do:
select value from eventindex WHERE column1 > 1234567890 AND column1 <= 1234567895 allow filtering;
Which gets me essentially the same information but in a slightly different format.
The question is - are these equivalent? The fact that cqlsh warns me about performance issues if I don't add allow filtering says to me that the CQL2 version is more efficient and that my CQL3 query is operating differently, but I've not really been able to find a straight answer confirming my intuition here.
EDIT: The specific thing that makes me concerned is that running the CQL2 query raises no complaints from cqlsh, but running the CQL3 query without "allow filtering" makes cqlsh refuse to execute the query due to concerns about unpredictable performance.
I think they are essentially the same, although Ive never come across the "allow filtering" command. Im surprised you can actually run that cql at all, without specifying a key. Should it not be something like:
select value from eventindex WHERE key = '<key>'
AND column1 > 1234567890 AND column1 <= 1234567895
I found this post quite useful for understanding what CQL3 is doing under the hood: