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When to stop DRYing up the code?

So DRYing up code is supposed to be good thing right? There was a situation in one of the projects I was working on where there were certain models/entities that were more-or-less the same except the context in which they were being used. That is, Every such entity had a title, descriptions, tags, a user_id etc and some other attributes. Hence their CRUD actions in their respective controller looked pretty similar.

My manager argued that its repetition of code and needs to be DRYed up. Hence he came up with CRUD ruby module that when included took care of CRUD actions for the controllers of all these entities. But eventually, Simplicity was compromised. The code lost readability as every "thing" was named "object". Debugging became difficult and the whole point of DRYing up the code was lost.

This was just one case. There are several of them where DRYing up resulted in complex, hard-to-debug code. So the question is, when do we stop DRYing up the code? Because not every time you realize the code has lost simplicity (And often the code author never realizes the simplicity of code is lost). Also, if we have to choose between simplicity and DRYed code, what should choose, if at all there comes a situation where you could get only either of them.


  • From what I understand, if DRYing up code is causing loss of simplicity, we are doing something terribly wrong. I think, we should be DRYing up code that is repeated and has single responsibility. If the code responsibilities are different and/or the abstraction of entities cannot be named, we are not repeating code. The code pattern might be repeated but its a different code altogether with a responsibilty of its own. If DRYing is resulting into vague code, you are probably trying to DRY up code with different responsibilities that have a similar pattern which is not really a good practice. DRYing should enhance the simplicity, not suppress it.