I have a Tomcat 6 server running multiple application, in one of these applications the JSPs refer to links in a ColdFusion project. In production we have Apache setup to change the DocumentRoot to the ColdFusion webroot, however as we are only running Tomcat I can't do this (i.e. our system does not have a httpd.conf or apache2.conf file). I tried setting up a docBase in a context file to point to the ColdFusion project webroot but that didn't work so instead I set up symbolic links inside the tomcat webroot. This linked to the pages correctly but instead of parsing the page it displays the ColdFusion code.
I don't have any experience with ColdFusion except changing the settings to point to the database I want through the Admin interface.
Tomcat webroot:
webapps/ (tomcat webroot)
cfProject/www/ (ColdFusion webroot)
Can anyone help me? If you need more information I will update the question as we go.
UPDATE: ColdFusion version: 9
UPDATE: Context for application setup and symlinks removed however ColdFusion source is still being output and displayed on the page rather than the code being run and displaying the results.
UPDATE: I've installed apache2 and linked it up to tomcat, it is now connecting to ColdFusion correctly and loading all the .cf files from the JSP pages, however the ColdFusion pages are still being displayed in plain text. Seems the coldFusion pages that are being redirected via a ProxyPass are working but the ones from the DocumentRoot location are not. Will update if I figure it out.
UPDATE: Got it working in the end, I had to be careful with the order of the ProxyPass rules so once I sorted that out and gave tomcat and apache a restart the pages started coming through correctly. Thanks for all your input Peter.
Thanks in advance, Alexei Blue.
In the end I installed Apache2 and set up proxy ajp to connect to my Tomcat application listening on port 80. Tomcat has a connector to do this automatically so I had no issues there. Then, in the default virtual host in sites-enabled, I changed the DocumentRoot to point to the base of my ColdFusion project. (Not sure if this is needed but it doesn't hurt). Then, also inside the default virtual host, I added ProxyPass rules to connect different URL's to ColdFusion. The bit that stumped me for some time was adding a rule that pointed to the root URL:
ProxyPass / /ColdFusion/www
Because the ProxyPass rules are all processed it was messing up the URL causing pages not found etc. Once I fixed this and restarted I was sorted.
Thanks again Peter for your help on this.