Quick question.
Is it possible to have part of the label on a spark button be bold?
I'd like a toggleButton with label "Map ON/OFF". Toggling it on will set the "ON" part to bold.
Is this possible witout too much rework of the button itself?
Thanks =)
Quick answer.
You can use a custom skin if you're willing to make it a one-off.
It goes something like this:
<s:HGroup gap="1" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="1"
left="10" right="10" top="2" bottom="2" verticalAlign="middle">
<s:Label id="labelDisplay" maxDisplayedLines="1"/>
<s:Label text=" ON" maxDisplayedLines="1"
<s:Label text="/" maxDisplayedLines="1"/>
<s:Label text="OFF" maxDisplayedLines="1"
fontWeight="bold" fontWeight.selectedStates="normal"/>
<s:ToggleButton label="Map" skinClass="path.to.skin.MyToggleButtonSkin"/>
As you can see, the first part of the label can still be set externally, but the ON/OFF part has been baked into the skin. This is a compromise to give you a quick solution. It'll be harder if you want it to be truly generic.