I am building a website where a user has profiles and profiles has profile pictures. The profile picture images need to maintained on my local storage. Is there any that I can use other services like Gravatar that will take care of profile images in my site. In this way I will not need to maintain user images in my site folder saving space etc. I will just ask users to link there Gravatar profile and use their profile images in my site's profile. I am developing my site in ASP.NET Please guide if there are any other services also that can help me to achieve this. Thanks in advance.
The AjaxControlToolkit has Gravatar support built-in.
<ajaxToolkit:Gravatar runat="server"
DefaultImage="http://tinyurl.com/3bpsaac" />
Of course, this could be programmatically set as well...
Also, if your site provides OAuth login (like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) you could also reference those profile images as well using their APIs. Facebooks, for example, would look like:
<asp:Image ImageUrl="http://graph.facebook.com/[fbid]/picture?type=large"
ToolTip="Facebook Avatar"
Height="180" />
replace [fbid]
with their facebook id.