Can you generate a full contract and request/response objects into Spring Source Web Service format with @EndPoint annotations from a WSDL?
Those objects are not automatically generated. The WSDL would be the contract - there you'll find the targetNamespace and the localPart. E.g.
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="myLocalPart">
The localPart ist the root XML element of your SOAP request payload. Now, you define an endpoint:
public class MyEndpoint {
@PayloadRoot(namespace="", localPart="myLocalPart")
public void handleRequest(@RequestPayload final Element elem) {
// do something here...
If you've set up Spring-Ws dispatcher correctly, this would be sufficient for at least accepting the request. If you want the request to be automatically unmarshalled, you'll have to set up a marshaller/unmarshaller and define the OXM mapping somehow.