I tried both in my laptop and PC (OS is Win7 Enterprise x64), none of them work.
The test process is quite simple:
Apply an account in bitbucket
Create a private repository named "test"
Download "tortoisehg-2.7.1-hg-2.5.2-x64.msi" and install it (not change any default setting in installing)
Create a local folder, run command "hg clone htts:.....", the clone is finished successfully
Configure UserPofile\mercurial.ini, add below section
username = xxx xxxemail
Create a test file "foo.foo" with content "foo" string in "test" folder
Run command "hg stat", get output "? foo.foo"
Run command "hg add", get output "adding foo.foo"
Run command "hg stat", get output "? foo.foo"
Run command "hg commit -m "test"", get output "nothing changed"
Run command "hg log", output nothing
I don't know why in step 9 I still get "? foo.foo" instead of "A foo.foo", does anybody encounter similar issue?
Another strange thing is in my PC the first added file can be added/committed/putted successfully, then I can never add file again, even if I remove the current repository and create a new one
I spent two days to find the root issue but it seems rare people encounter this issue. Could anybody give me a hand? Thanks in advance!
Can't see problem
hg init
repo have the same effect for adding file as clone, BTW
>hg stat
? .hgignore
? file.txt
>hg add
adding .hgignore
adding file.txt
z:\test>hg status
A .hgignore
A file.txt
>hg commit -m "initial data"
>hg log
changeset: 0:3cc2ddcb0417
tag: tip
user: I
date: Fri Mar 08 17:47:56 2013 +0600
summary: initial data