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Change the color of disabled link button

I have a link button in my grid view and it will be disabled when it meets certain condition. My question is, when the button is disabled, the color of the button will change to gray and i dun wan it to be gray, perhaps black. I have tried using the following code the change gray color to others but it's not working, You guys have any idea to do do this?

Have tried on:

LinkButton.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black
LinkButton.CssClass = "BlackLnkBtn"
LinkBUtton.Attributes("class") = "BlackLnkBtn"


  • i have figured out a solution, where, instead of disabling the button, i will just set it OnClick attributes to false when under certain condition and using CSS Style to remove the underline of the text.

    This is my code...


    <style type="text/css">

    <Code Behind>

    LinkButton1.Attributes.Add("class", "BlackLnkBtn")
    LinkButton1.Attributes("onclick") = "return false;"