I want to simulate ApplicationExecutionState.Terminated
I am doing following
1. Launching the app
2. Navigating to Desktop, waiting for App to be in suspended state
3. Killing the app using End Task from Task Manager.
This application is used for a demonstration, and previously it was in Consumer preview. At that time, above steps worked good.
Now, in Windows 8 RTM, using above steps, ApplicationExecutionState
is coming to be NotRunning
I want to know how to the Terminated
I am already aware of following
1. By using simulator, First getting the app suspended, and then logging off from simulator.
2. By putting memory pressure in windows. This way the app will automatically get terminated. Problem is that I do-not know, how to put memory pressure.
From this Microsoft forum question:
Terminated means that the app was first suspended, and then the user Session ended normally.
To simulate this in the debugger, you can run your app in the simulator and then trigger a suspend (Debug, Trigger Suspend). Then you can log off of the simulator. You can then fire up the simulator again in the debugger and see you hit the condition that you came from a previous state of 'Terminated'.
Alternatively, you can use the tool available At winrt.codeplex.com
[Update: 2013-03-11 @ 11:02PST]
It's important to understand that in the Windows 8 App Lifecycle, the ApplicationExecutionState
enumeration indicates the state of the app last time the process exited (via several objects' PreviousExecutionState
property ).
The only way to simulate this state is to suspend your app, log-off and log back in again and restart the app or you could simulate a system under load by using/writing an app that can consume a considerable portion of the available physical RAM, forcing Windows to try and reclaim resources by force-terminating suspended apps.
To stress your machine out and consume large amounts of memory etc., you could use the consume.exe command-line app that comes in the Windows SDK or use James McCaffrey's EatMem tool.