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Is it REALLY true that Python code runs faster in a function?

I saw a comment that lead me to the question Why does Python code run faster in a function?.

I got to thinking, and figured I would try it myself using the timeit library, however I got very different results:

(note: 10**8 was changed to 10**7 to make things a little bit speedier to time)

>>> from timeit import repeat
>>> setup = """
def main():
    for i in xrange(10**7):
>>> stmt = """
for i in xrange(10**7):
>>> min(repeat('main()', setup, repeat=7, number=10))
>>> min(repeat(stmt, repeat=7, number=10))
>>> 1.4410973942722194 / 1.4399558753975725
  • Did I use timeit correctly?
  • Why are these results less 0.1% different from each other, while the results from the other question were nearly 250% different?
  • Does it only make a difference when using CPython compiled versions of Python (like Cython)?
  • Ultimately: is Python code really faster in a function, or does it just depend on how you time it?


  • The flaw in your test is the way timeit compiles the code of your stmt. It's actually compiled within the following template:

    template = """
    def inner(_it, _timer):
        _t0 = _timer()
        for _i in _it:
        _t1 = _timer()
        return _t1 - _t0

    Thus stmt is actually running in a function, using the fastlocals array (i.e. STORE_FAST).

    Here's a test with your function in the question as f_opt versus the unoptimized compiled stmt executed in the function f_no_opt:

    >>> code = compile(stmt, '<string>', 'exec')
    >>> f_no_opt = types.FunctionType(code, globals())
    >>> t_no_opt = min(timeit.repeat(f_no_opt, repeat=10, number=10))
    >>> t_opt = min(timeit.repeat(f_opt, repeat=10, number=10))
    >>> t_opt / t_no_opt