I have the following requests in my fiddler scratchpad and would like to know how I can send all of them at once?
I just do a spot check of our servers during fire fights to see response code and response times.
GET http://xx.xx.xxx.123/api/1/getit?what=this HTTP/1.1
Host: xx.xx.xxx.123
User-Agent: Fiddler
accept: text/xml
GET http://xx.xx.xxx.321/api/1/getit?what=this HTTP/1.1
Host: xx.xx.xxx.321
User-Agent: Fiddler
accept: text/xml
o o o
What I really hoped would be feature in scratch pad in fiddler is to highlight multiple requests and it would send them out simultaneously.
Instead of using the scratchpad, save a SAZ file containing the desired requests. When you want to play them back, load the SAZ file, Select All, and hit either the R or V keys.
(Learn more about the new Verify feature here: http://www.telerik.com/automated-testing-tools/blog/eric-lawrence/13-02-08/announcing-fiddler-2-4-3-beta.aspx)