I created an iOS application based on maps in which I thought to use Google Maps SDK for iOS instead of Mapkit, I found the documentation but it I didn’t find methods related to custom annotation view, Can anyone provide me the solution for how to create custom annotation view(info window) and how to add content(title, snippet) for it.
If you check GMSMapView.h within GoogleMaps.Framework, you can see the below method which should let you add a custom infowindow for a marker, instead of using standard title and snippet alone:
NOTE you (op) say annotationView=infoWindow
BUT NORMAL: annotationView = marker itself and calloutView = infoWindow
* Called when a marker is about to become selected, and provides an optional
* custom info window to use for that marker if this method returns a UIView.
* If you change this view after this method is called, those changes will not
* necessarily be reflected in the rendered version.
* The returned UIView must not have bounds greater than 500 points on either
* dimension. As there is only one info window shown at any time, the returned
* view may be reused between other info windows.
* @return The custom info window for the specified marker, or nil for default
- (UIView *)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView