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How to use a local database with the SPA hot towel template on ASP.NET MVC 4

I'm probably the most inexperienced person on MVC let alone the Hot Towel SPA but never the less I'm expected to produce a system based on these technologies.

I've read the Breeze website and all of John Papa's documentation but I just have no idea how to create interactions to my database and retrieve data and display data, Add or Edit data including deleting data.

I have to build a dashboard with about 5 grids on the screen displaying live data as it's coming in with some time calculations.

All I have so far for 2 days is the Hot Towel Template modified to display my project name and I've changed the hot towel icon. I just can't wrap my head around this stuff... For two years I've been a 3-tier-architecture ASP.NET website developer .

Can anybody give me guidelines on how to pass data through this template?


  • I started with the Hot Towel SPA, but used other references like the Durandal MovieApp sample which you can find here. . I also downloaded and reviewed the breezejs runtime which included the samples.

    In my scenario I used a SQL with Entity Frameworks and created a WEBAPI controller and followed the breezejs documentation. an except of my controller is below.

    public class ProjectBillingController : ApiController
        readonly EFContextProvider<ProjectBillingContext> _contextProvider =
       new EFContextProvider<ProjectBillingContext>();
        // ~/api/todos/Metadata 
        public string Metadata()
            return _contextProvider.Metadata();
        public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
            return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
        public IQueryable<Client> Clients()
            return _contextProvider.Context.Clients;

    I then tried to imitate the code & directory structure of the Durandal Movie APP


    In my case I used one repository because it wasn't any complex queries, although for me its a start.

    but inside my repository I put defined breezejs entity manager and some functions to retrieve all rows and 1 row. an excerpt of the code is below,

    // repository.js
    function getRecordLists(modelsListsObservable, errorObservable, entity) {
        return breeze.EntityQuery
        function querySucceeded(data) {
            logger.log('Fetched ' + entity, null, null, true);
        function queryFailed(error) {
            errorObservable("Error retrieving" + entity + " : " + error.message);
            logger.error("Error retrieving" + entity + " : " + error.message, null, null, true);
    function getRecord(id, clientObservable, errorObservable, entity, entityKey) {
        return breeze.EntityQuery.from(entity)
        .where(entityKey, "==", id)
        function querySucceeded(data) {
            logger.log('Fetched a record from ' + entity, null, null, true);
        function queryFailed(error) {
            errorObservable("Error retrieving a record from " + entity + ": " + error.message);
            logger.error("Error retrieving a record from " + entity + ": " + error.message, null, null, true);
    // show.js
    define(function (require) {
        var repository = require("repositories/repository");
        var app = require('durandal/app');
        var router = require("durandal/plugins/router");
        var logger = require('services/logger');
        var models = ko.observableArray();
        var error = ko.observable();
        return {
            models: models,
            error: error,
            deleteRecord: deleteRecord,
            activate: function (data) {
                return repository.getRecordLists(models, error, "Resources");

    I hope this helps you a little. I too am learning this and some of the stuff might not be best practices, but its good enough for me to learn from.
