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Jersey REST service on Websphere with Java 5

I have read this question but it didnt really help my problem Jersey with java 5.

When I was using my application on Glassfish with below dependencies all was working fine:


When trying to deploy that on WAS 6.1, I got an error that Jersey's ServletContainer class is not in the classpath, so I added below dependency:


Now the application starts but Im getting below error. The problem is I have Java 5 on my Websphere but the Jersey's ServletContainer class is compiled with Java 6.

bad major version at offset=6

I cannot find any dependancy for jersey-servlet where it would be compiled with Java 5. Anyone has any idea what I should do to get this service working on WAS with Java 5?


  • I believe that Jersey 1.2 was the last version compiled against Java 5. You may need to consider another solution if that's a deal breaker for you.