I am using OGR Distance in Python to determine the shortest distance between a point and a line. My results are completely different then the ones I get using QGIS. I assume the units OGR uses depend on the coordinate system? Could it be that OGR uses degrees? If so how could I convert these to meters? My code looks like this:
import ogr
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
roads = driver.Open('G:/Basedata/OR/infra/TigerRoads2010/OR_TIGERroads_2010_merge.shp', 0)
point = driver.Open('U:/My Documents/Tool/shp/testareacentro.shp', 0)
roadslayer = roads.GetLayer()
pointl = point.GetLayer()
roadsfeature = roadslayer.GetNextFeature()
pointf = pointl.GetNextFeature()
roadgeom = roadsfeature.GetGeometryRef()
pointgeom = pointf.GetGeometryRef()
dist = pointgeom.Distance(roadgeom)
print dist
The reason why my distance is off, is because I only compared the first feature. This will code will give the same results as in QGIS:
import ogr
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
lineshp = driver.Open('U:/My Documents/Tool/shp/line.shp', 0)
linelyr = lineshp.GetLayer()
pointshp = driver.Open('U:/My Documents/Tool/shp/point.shp', 0)
pointlyr = pointshp.GetLayer()
linefeat = linelyr.GetNextFeature()
pointfeat = pointlyr.GetNextFeature()
point_geom = pointfeat.GetGeometryRef()
distlist = []
while linefeat:
line_geom = linefeat.GetGeometryRef()
dist = point_geom.Distance(line_geom)
linefeat = linelyr.GetNextFeature()
print min(distlist)