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Image map with Qtip2 not working

I have an image map using Qtip, and I want the tooltip to show up on both the left eye and the right eye, but the tooltip is not showing up.

Here is my JS code:

     content: {
          attr: 'alt'
     hide: {
          fixed: true,
          delay: 500
     style: {
      classes: 'qtip-tipsy qtip-shadow'
     position: {
      viewport: $(window)

Here is the HTML:

<map name="Koala">
<area alt="Left Eye" shape="rect" coords="373,365,404,402" href="#" />
<area alt="Right Eye" shape="rect" coords="641,405,681,448" href="#" />
<!-- .... more hotspots would be listed here -->

When I try this code the Qtip does not show up at all and I can not figure out why, any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Take the demo fiddle that was provided in the qtip page

    and then modify yours to reflect the changes you want and it should be working.

    Here is the final version:

    <div id="demo-imagemap">
        <h3>United States of America</h3>
        <img border="0" usemap="#statesMap" alt="USA" src="">
        <map id="statesMap" name="statesMap">
    <area alt="Left Eye" shape="rect" coords="373,365,404,402" href="#" />
    <area alt="Right Eye" shape="rect" coords="641,405,681,448" href="#" />
        <p class="attribution">
            imagemap courtesy of <a href="">American Banker</a>


    // Create the tooltips only when document ready
        // We'll target all AREA elements with alt tags (Don't target the map element!!!)
            content: {
                attr: 'alt' // Use the ALT attribute of the area map for the content
            style: {
                classes: 'ui-tooltip-tipsy ui-tooltip-shadow'