I want to make a special smart constructor for Data.Map with a certain constraint on the types of key/value pair relationships. This is the constraint I tried to express:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, DataKinds #-}
data Field = Speed | Name | ID
data Value = VFloat Float | VString ByteString | VInt Int
class Pair f b | f -> b where
toPair :: f -> b -> (f, b)
toPair = (,)
instance Pair Speed (VFloat f)
instance Pair ID (VInt i)
for each field, there is only one type of value that it should be associated with. In my case, it does not make sense for a Speed
field to map to a ByteString
. A Speed
field should uniquely map to a Float
But I get the following type error:
Kind mis-match
The first argument of `Pair' should have kind `*',
but `VInt' has kind `Value'
In the instance declaration for `Pair Speed (VFloat f)'
using -XKindSignatures
class Pair (f :: Field) (b :: Value) | f -> b where
toPair :: f -> b -> (f, b)
toPair = (,)
Kind mis-match
Expected kind `OpenKind', but `f' has kind `Field'
In the type `f -> b -> (f, b)'
In the class declaration for `Pair'
I understand why I get the Kind mis-match, but how can I express this constraint so that it is a compile time type-checker error to use toPair
on an non-matching Field
and Value
It was suggested to me by #haskell to use a GADT
, but I havent been able to figure it out yet.
The goal of this is to be able to write
type Record = Map Field Value
mkRecord :: [Field] -> [Value] -> Record
mkRecord = (fromList .) . zipWith toPair
so that I can make safe Map
s where the key/value invariants are respected.
So this should type-check
test1 = mkRecord [Speed, ID] [VFloat 1.0, VInt 2]
but this should be a compile time error
test2 = mkRecord [Speed] [VInt 1]
I'm beginning to think that my specific requirements aren't possible. Using my original example
data Foo = FooInt | FooFloat
data Bar = BarInt Int | BarFloat Float
In order to enforce the constraint on Foo
and Bar
, there must be some way to differentiate between a FooInt
and FooFloat
at the type level and similarly for Bar
. Thus I instead need two GADTs
data Foo :: * -> * where
FooInt :: Foo Int
FooFloat :: Foo Float
data Bar :: * -> * where
BarInt :: Int -> Bar Int
BarFloat :: Float -> Bar Float
now I can write an instance for Pair
that only holds when the Foo
and Bar
are both tagged with the same type
instance Pair (Foo a) (Bar a)
and I have the properties I want
test1 = toPair FooInt (BarInt 1) -- type-checks
test2 = toPair FooInt (BarFloat 1) -- no instance for Pair (Foo Int) (Bar Float)
but I lose the ability to write xs = [FooInt, FooFloat]
because that would require a heterogeneous list. Furthermore if I try to make the Map
synonym type FooBar = Map (Foo ?) (Bar ?)
I'm stuck with a Map
of either only Int
types or only Float
types, which isnt what I want. It's looking rather hopeless, unless theres some powerful type class wizardry I'm not aware of.
An oldschool version using Dynamic and Typeable and FunDeps. To keep it safe, you just need to not export the abstraction-breaking things like the SM
constructor and the SMKey
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Typeable
data SpecialMap = SM (M.Map String Dynamic)
emptySM = SM (M.empty)
class (Typeable a, Typeable b) => SMKey a b | a -> b
data Speed = Speed deriving Typeable
data Name = Name deriving Typeable
data ID = ID deriving Typeable
instance SMKey Speed Float
instance SMKey Name String
instance SMKey ID Int
insertSM :: SMKey k v => k -> v -> SpecialMap -> SpecialMap
insertSM k v (SM m) = SM (M.insert (show $ typeOf k) (toDyn v) m)
lookupSM :: SMKey k v => k -> SpecialMap -> Maybe v
lookupSM k (SM m) = fromDynamic =<< M.lookup (show $ typeOf k) m
-- and now lists
newtype SMPair = SMPair {unSMPair :: (String, Dynamic)}
toSMPair :: SMKey k v => k -> v -> SMPair
toSMPair k v = SMPair (show $ typeOf k, toDyn v)
fromPairList :: [SMPair] -> SpecialMap
fromPairList = SM . M.fromList . map unSMPair
*Main> let x = fromPairList [toSMPair Speed 1.2, toSMPair ID 34]
*Main> lookupSM Speed x
Just 1.2