so i've seen many people ask this and not many solid answers floating around the web. most just check that an integer was placed in place of a string but if a floating point number was entered then it truncates the bottom half or if integers and characters are intered it truncates the characters. i need help writing a piece of code that checks for user input and asks the user to retry if his input is not valid or a combination of valid/invalid. i think the basic idea was to make a string so it accepts anything then use sstream to manipulate and then back to int if the input was legit but i cant really manage to check the other parts. if anyones run accross this or can help me out please link me to it. i'll post my code when i get a good sense of what to do.
Assuming that you can't use boost::lexical_cast
, you can write your own version:
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstdlib>
template <class T1, class T2>
T1 lexical_cast(const T2& t2)
std::stringstream s;
s << t2;
T1 t1;
if(s >> std::noskipws >> t1 && s.eof()) {
// it worked, return result
return t1;
} else {
// It failed, do something else:
// maybe throw an exception:
throw std::runtime_error("bad conversion");
// maybe return zero:
return T1();
// maybe do something drastic:
int main() {
std::string smin, smax;
int imin, imax;
while(std::cout << "Enter min and max: " && std::cin >> smin >> smax) {
try {
imin = lexical_cast<int>(smin);
imax = lexical_cast<int>(smax);
} catch(std::runtime_error&) {
std::cout << "Try again: ";
if(std::cin) {
std::cout << "Thanks!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "Sorry. Goodbye\n";