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Linkbutton click in a asp:GridView cell does not trigger OnRowCommand event

UI Feature: I have a GridView with few columns. Most important column is PcCode, which shows a string value for each row.

Expected: When I click on one of the cell from a row of that PcCode column another GridView should be displayed. However, when I am trying to use a asp:LinkButton for a cell, things just don't work. RowCommand does not get triggered when I click on a asp:LinkButton in the GridView cell. Where am I doing things wrong? Which way the expected functionality can be achieved? Thanks in advance for helping out a newbie.

In the following code I was trying to get a RowIndex and pass it through the CommandArgument and use a CommandName.

.aspx code

<asp:GridView ID="_UIProfitcenterTotalGridView" runat="server" CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="22" ShowFooter="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
    DataKeyNames="ProfitcenterCode" EnableViewState="False" 

       <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="PcCode" InsertVisible="False" 
            ShowHeader="False" SortExpression="ProfitcenterCode" FooterText="Total" FooterStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left">
               <asp:LinkButton ID="_UIPCCodeLinkButton" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("ProfitcenterCode") %>'  
                CommandArgument='<%# ((GridViewRow) Container).RowIndex  %>'>

code behind for aspx.cs

 protected void _UIProfitcenterTotalGridView_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName == "Select")
            int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
            GridViewRow row = _UIProfitcenterTotalGridView.Rows[index];
            string ProfitcenterCode = _UIProfitcenterTotalGridView.DataKeys[_UIProfitcenterTotalGridView.SelectedIndex].Values["ProfitcenterCode"].ToString();

After the row is selected I need to take the selected row's value as a string and compare with a listitem to show a new GridView.


  • Using Link_Button_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) and the following but failed.

    protected void _UIProfitcenterTotalGridView_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Select") {string ProfitcenterCode = ((GridViewRow)(((LinkButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer)).Cells[2].Text; } }


  • I tried to use LinkButton_Click() event instead of RowCommand as jason suggested:

    protected void LinkButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkButton button = (LinkButton)sender;
            GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)button.NamingContainer;
            if (row != null)
              string theValue = ((LinkButton)sender).CommandArgument.ToString();
              //code for the extra thing I needed to do after selecting a cell value.

    However I still had the problem, which I figured out. The problem was the LinkButton was not binding to the rows thefore, it could not pass any value on selection. What was missing was the following code:

     if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                    LinkButton linkButton = new LinkButton();
                    linkButton.Text = e.Row.Cells[0].Text; //value of the first column from the grid 
                    linkButton.Enabled = true;
                    linkButton.Click += new EventHandler(LinkButton_Click); //triggering the LinkButton event here. 