Lets say I have a variable A=5
and i want to output it, but with some text added in front and after it. Something like this: "There are 5 horses."
(mind that 5
should be changable variable A
If I write: disp("There are "),disp(A),disp(" horses.")
I get:
There are
BUT I want everything in one line.
How do I do that?
You can use:
A = 5
printf("There are %d horses\n", A)
There are 5 horses
or even
disp(["There are ", num2str(A), " horses"])
or even
disp(strcat("There are ", num2str(A), " horses"))
but you will have to add something because octave/matlab don't let the white space at the end of a string, so the output is:
ans = There are5 horses