I am updating my app to allow photo uploads to included GPS metadata when using UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum. The GPS data's accuracy is very important. I am running into an issue where the location data derived using ALAsset is different than the photo's actual exif data I can see when opening the same photo in Photoshop.
I have used two methods to read the GPS data in xcode:
ALAssetsLibraryAssetForURLResultBlock resultblock = ^(ALAsset *myasset) {
CLLocation *location = [myasset valueForProperty:ALAssetPropertyLocation];
latitudeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%g",point.latitude];
longitudeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%g",point.longitude];
ALAssetRepresentation *representation = [myasset defaultRepresentation];
NSDictionary *metadata = [representation metadata];
NSDictionary *gpsDict = [metadata objectForKey:@"{GPS}"];
NSNumber *latitudeNumber = [gpsDict objectForKey:@"Latitude"];
NSNumber *longitudeNumber = [gpsDict objectForKey:@"Longitude"];
if ([[gpsDict valueForKey:@"LatitudeRef"] isEqualToString:@"S"])
//latitudeNumber = -latitudeNumber;
if ([[gpsDict valueForKey:@"LongitudeRef"] isEqualToString:@"W"])
//longitudeNumber = -longitudeNumber);
On a representative photo I am using as an example both sets of code above give me a latitude of 47.576333 which converts to 47,34,35N
If I look in Photoshop exif data - the latitude is 47,34,59N
These numbers are close - but they aren't the same. This happens without about 30% of my photos. Any idea why?
Edit - Photo shop does not give seconds - it give 34.59 minutes which is indeed accurate.
Your conversion is wrong, photoshop is more correct.
47.576333 (DEG) converts to 47* 34.5799' (DM). which can be rounded to 47* 34.58
which is the format photoshop obviously displays.
converted to DMS it gives your value: 47* 34' 35" N. (Please replace all "*" with degrees symbol.)
So you exchanged DMS (Degress Minutes Seconds) with DM (Degrees Minutes) representation.