Trying to write a program that prompts a user to select circle, rectangle, or triangle, then ask for the corresponding dimensions, and then displays the area to the user.
I used some instances of returns and switches, and I think that's where I messed up.
package shapearea;
import java.util.Scanner; //global scanner
public class ShapeArea {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int menuOption;
double area;
menuOption = showMenu();
area = processShapeOption(menuOption);
displayArea(area, menuOption);
}//end main
public static void displayArea(double area, int menuOption) {
switch (menuOption) {
case 1: System.out.printf("The area of the circle is: %.3f\n ", area);
case 2: System.out.printf("The area of the rectangle is: ", area);
case 3: System.out.printf("The area of the triangle is: ", area);
}//end switch
}//end displayArea
public static int showMenu() {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int menuOption;
System.out.println("1. circle");
System.out.println("2. rectangle");
System.out.println("3. triangle");
System.out.print("enter choice:");
menuOption = scan.nextInt();
return menuOption;
}//end showMenu
public static double processShapeOption(int menuOption) {
double area = 0;
case 1: double radius = getDimension("radius");
area = calculateCircleArea(radius);
case 2: double length = getDimension("length"),
width = getDimension("width");
area = areaOfRectangle(length, width);
case 3: double base = getDimension("base"),
height = getDimension("height");
area = areaOfTriangle(base, height);
}//end switch
return area;
}//end processShapeOption
public static double getDimension(String dimensionType) {
double dimension;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter the " + dimensionType + ":");
dimension = scan.nextDouble();
return dimension;
}//end getDimension
public static double calculateCircleArea(double radius) {
double area;
area = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2);
return area;
}//end calculateCircleArea
public static double areaOfRectangle(double width, double length) {
double area;
area = width * length;
return area;
}//end areaOfRectangle
public static double areaOfTriangle(double height, double base) {
double area;
area = .5 * base * height;
return area;
}//end class
The part with calculating circle area works fine, but when I select rectangle it goes on to ask for triangle dimensions in addition to rectangle ones, and fails to display the area.
Edit: Added breaks
You need to add a break
statement after each case.
case 1: {
Also you forgot to add
to your printf statements for case 2 and 3