I have an array of double in my View Model and I'd like to apply a data format string like shown below:
class MyVM
[DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = true, DataFormatString = "{0:F2}")]
public double Currents[] { get; set; }
In my View, I am using EditorFor on the array like shown below, which is properly working except its not applying the data format string.
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Currents)
I learned that I can use custom templates, but was wondering is there is a simpler way than creating a custom template. If custom template is the only solution, what is the simplest custom template that should take care of the formatting? I tried creating one but was not successful in applying the data format string properly.
I can create a CurrentsTemplate.cshtml in the ~Views\Shared folder with the below content
@model double[]
@foreach (double x in Model) {
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.TextBoxFor(m=>x, "{0:F2}")
and use that by calling @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Currents,"CurrentsTemplate"), it will work but the form data is not persisting after its POSTed. Guess I need hidden fields in the for loop along with the TextBox.
The solution is to use the actual member name along with the desired data format string in the @Html.TextBoxFor
helper. Since the data is an IEnumerable simply place it in a for loop. The generated HTML will contain appropriate name field that matches the View Model's member name which is important for data persistence across POST backs. No hidden HTML form fields needed.
@for (int k = 0; k < Model.Currents.Count(); k++ ) {
@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Currents[k], "{0:F2}")
The above will work with proper data formatting. It generates
<input name="Currents[0]" id="Currents_0_" type="text" data-val-number="The field Double must be a number." data-val="true" value="0.8"/>
and works with proper persistence across POST backs.
The following three cases don't work:
case 1:
@foreach (double x in Model) {
@Html.TextBoxFor(m=>x, "{0:F2}")
case 2:
@Html.EditorFor(m => m.Currents)
case 3:
@Html.EditorFor(m => m.Currents, "TemplateName")
Same as case 1.